Online Learning
Budget Management- Managing Project Costs
The first step in successfully managing a project's costs is to develop a budget that...
Management of Legal Exposures
Every project participant makes decisions that have potential legal ramifications and resultant...
Project Communications Management
This workshop will help project managers assess their project communication needs, plan for...
Facilities Construction and Project Management
This 4-hour workshop will include the management of major facility construction projects,...
Facilities Operations and Maintenance Management
This workshop will focus on management techniques to develop an efficient and responsible...
Facilities Planning and Design Management
This workshop covers the design and development process from initial planning and needs assessment...
Financial Management of Facilities
Facility Managers are called upon to develop and manage budgets as well as make financial...
Fundamentals of Facilities Management
This 4-hour workshop will cover the basic skills required of facility managers to execute the...
Environmental Health and Safety for Facility Managers
This workshop provides a comprehensive overview of environmental health and safety issues for...
Project Schedule Management
Meeting the varied scheduling needs of those involved in a construction project may be the most...
Construction Management I
This workshop covers Project Manager role and responsibilities and takes participants through the...
Construction Management II
This online workshop follows Construction Management II, and continues with preconstruction,...