"I appreciate the level of talented industry professionals and thought leaders training and educating our next generation. The access to this caliber of talent cannot be understated, as it blends real world experiences into Construction Institute’s professional education curriculum.'"
​- Eugene Torone, S/L/A/M Construction Services.

Online Learning

Discover the Professional Development you want, tailored to your schedule. Choose from a wide range of learning options, including concise nano learning units for quick skill enhancements or comprehensive Certificate Programs. Benefit from expert instruction delivered by seasoned professionals in the industry. Access flexible training formats online. Earn valuable learning credits through our courses, recognized by leading professional education providers such as AIA and CMAA (see details below).

Online Learning

Certificate Programs

Project Management

Construction Management

Facilities Management

Additional Education Opportunities

Webinar Series 

Free Learning Content

Patron Level Sponsors

interstate electrical services logoThank you Interstate Electrical Services!

Hinckley Allen Logo

Thank you Hinckley Allen!

Director Level Sponsor

Thank you Microsol Resources!

Continuing Education Credit (CEUs)

A credit value is assigned to Construction Institute workshops and seminars in both Professional Development Hours and Learning Units.

American Institute of Architects (AIA)

The Construction Institute is registered with the American Institute of Architects (AIA) as an approved CES provider of Learning Units (LU). One educational contact hour equals one (1) LU. To receive LUs through the Construction Institute, you must provide your AIA member number on all registration materials and attendance forms. Transcripts are available through www.aia.org.

CCM Recertification Points Provider

The Construction Institute is a CCM Recertification Point Provider and is committed to providing education that meets the CMCI Board of Governors standard. Programs and workshops approved to award renewal points will be identified with the CCM Renewal Point Provider logo. For more information, please visit the CCM Recertification Point Provider webpage.

NY Professional Engineering and Land Surveying

Courses that have AIA LU's are also approved for NYS CE. Please note that workshops that are non-technical, do not address engineering issues, or those that deal exclusively with codes are not eligible for engineering PDH.

Other Credits

The following organizations have indicated that they honor learning time that is eligible for AIA Learning Units. Credit is likely to be given, but not guaranteed. The method for applying is self-reporting.

International Interior Design Association (IIDA): http://www.iida.org/content.cfm/nicaform.

Note about Credits

Not all courses and educational activities offered may be acceptable for continuing education credit in your state. Please check your state licensing board’s requirements before submitting your credits.